Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Movies: House at the End of the Street

You are the well-known lead singer in a band in your hometown.
Everyone loves you.
To top it all off, you just happen to look like Jennifer Lawrence.
And what happens? You and your mom move to God-Knows-Where, a place consisting entirely of residential homes, a school, and a hospital, and forests filling in all the gaps.
Where are you?
A horror movie, of course!!!!!

"Wait what?"
Yes. You heard me.

Starting with indie films such as Winter's Bone then blasting onto the scene with The Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence puts her stamp onto the horror genre with House at the End of the Street.
The tag-line (and hash-tag, because this is 2013, damnit!) for the movie was #HATES.
Apparently someone forgot how initials work, because now I guess you can include the A and T of "at the" but totally ignore the O and T of "of the." 

Anyway, HATES tells the beautiful, heartwarming story of the new girl becoming friends with the outcast of this town in the middle of absolute nowhere. He just happens to live right next door, a good jog through the woods. In an "abandoned" house. In which his parents were brutally murdered by his sister. Who was never found after the murders.


I guess you could nit-pick any horror movie, but when all of Katniss' - I MEAN JENNIFER'S other friends basically ignore her when this other dude is around, this "tortured soul," I think one would get the hint.

Not that kind of tortured soul.

Also- those kids are real assholes. They know there's something wrong with this guy, and they let this hot new girl hang around with him?
Oh yeah that's totally fine. What great friends.

OK now onto my review. I honestly thought this movie was decent. It didn't stand out to me, though- it was no 80's slasher film, but at the same time it wasn't any of said slasher film's remakes. HATES was better after the opening sequences that consisted of a flashback scene that looked like this:

Seriously though.

Jennifer's acting was top-notch as always, or at least as well as she could have done in a movie like this. It's not really anything like what she's done before. I guess it was more interesting of a watch than anything... Let's stick to Oscar-nominated films, alright Katniss?
"But Ryan what about giving the other actors credit?"
How about you listen to Jenna Marbles and-

Thanks, Jenna.

All-in-all, I'd recommend this movie for rentals... Or go to someone's house and watch it... It was good, but not THAT good. 
That is all.

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